Sunday, August 18, 2024

Commercial Steam Baths: Considerations for Gym Owners

In the competitive world of fitness and wellness, offering a steam bath can set your gym apart and provide significant value to your members. However, installing and maintaining a commercial steam bath requires careful consideration. This guide will walk you through the key factors to consider when adding a steam bath to your gym, including choosing the right equipment from leading manufacturers like Harvia and Steamtec.

Understanding the Benefits of Steam Baths for Gyms

Before diving into the technical aspects, it's important to understand why steam baths are a valuable addition to your gym:

  1. Enhanced member experience
  2. Increased membership value
  3. Potential for additional revenue streams
  4. Competitive advantage in the local market
  5. Promotion of recovery and wellness alongside fitness

Choosing the Right Steam Generator

The heart of any steam bath is its generator. Two leading manufacturers offer a range of options suitable for commercial use:

Harvia Steam Generators

Harvia provides several models in steam generators designed for different needs:

  1. HGX Series (for light commercial use):
    • HGX45
    • HGX60
    • HGX90
    • HGX11
    • HGX15
  2. HGP Series (for demanding spa environments):
    • HGP22
    • HGP30

Steamtec Steam Generators

Steamtec offers an extensive lineup in their Tolo series:

  • Tolo-30
  • Tolo-40
  • Tolo-45
  • Tolo-50
  • Tolo-60
  • Tolo-70
  • Tolo-75
  • Tolo-90
  • Tolo-105
  • Tolo-120
  • Tolo-135
  • Tolo-150
  • Tolo-165
  • Tolo-180
  • Tolo-225
  • Tolo-240

When selecting a steam generator for your gym, consider:

  1. Steam Room Size: Match the generator's output to your room dimensions. For example, a small gym steam room might use a Harvia HGX60 or Steamtec Tolo-60, while larger facilities might require a Harvia HGP30 or Steamtec Tolo-240.
  2. Usage Intensity: Consider peak hours and how many members might use the steam room simultaneously. Higher usage may require more powerful models like the Harvia HGP22 or Steamtec Tolo-180.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Look for models with energy-saving features to manage operational costs.
  4. Maintenance Requirements: Consider ease of maintenance when choosing between models.

Design and Construction Considerations

Room Size and Layout

  • Determine the optimal size based on your gym's membership and expected usage.
  • Consider accessibility and proximity to locker rooms and showers.
  • Ensure proper ventilation and drainage systems.

Materials Selection

Choose materials that can withstand high humidity and frequent use:

  • Non-porous tiles or synthetic materials for walls and benches
  • Non-slip flooring for safety
  • Corrosion-resistant fixtures and hardware

Lighting and Ambiance

  • Install waterproof lighting fixtures
  • Consider chromotherapy options for an enhanced experience

Seating and Capacity

  • Design seating to accommodate expected capacity during peak hours
  • Ensure comfortable spacing between seats for member comfort

Safety and Compliance

Temperature Control

  • Install reliable temperature controls compatible with your chosen steam generator (e.g., Harvia's control systems for HGP series or Steamtec's controls for Tolo series)
  • Implement safety shut-offs to prevent overheating


  • Ensure proper air circulation to maintain comfort and safety
  • Install exhaust systems to manage humidity levels

Hygiene Measures

  • Implement easy-to-clean surfaces
  • Consider antimicrobial materials where possible
  • Install hand sanitizer dispensers near the entrance

Emergency Systems

  • Install emergency call buttons within the steam room
  • Ensure proper lighting for safety, including emergency lighting

Operational Considerations

Staffing and Maintenance

  • Train staff on proper operation and maintenance of the steam generator (whether it's a Harvia HGX15 or a Steamtec Tolo-120)
  • Establish regular cleaning and maintenance schedules

Member Education

  • Create clear signage for usage guidelines and safety precautions
  • Offer orientations on proper steam room etiquette and benefits

Energy Management

  • Implement timers to manage operational hours (available with most Harvia and Steamtec models)
  • Consider peak and off-peak usage to optimize energy consumption

Water Quality

  • Install water softening systems if necessary to protect your steam generator (crucial for models like Harvia HGP30 or Steamtec Tolo-240)
  • Implement regular water quality checks

Cost Considerations

Initial Investment

  • Steam generator cost (varies widely from a Harvia HGX45 to a Steamtec Tolo-225)
  • Construction and materials
  • Additional features (e.g., aromatherapy systems, advanced lighting)

Operational Costs

  • Energy consumption
  • Water usage
  • Regular maintenance and potential repairs

Potential Revenue Generation

  • Consider whether the steam bath will be included in general membership or as an premium add-on
  • Explore possibilities for spa services or specialized wellness programs

Marketing Your Steam Bath

Highlighting Health Benefits

  • Promote the recovery and wellness aspects to attract health-conscious members
  • Emphasize the steam bath as part of a holistic fitness experience

Showcasing Technology

  • Highlight the advanced features of your chosen steam generator (e.g., the reliability of Harvia HGP series or the range of options in Steamtec's Tolo line)
  • Emphasize any unique features like aromatherapy or chromotherapy

Member Testimonials

  • Gather and share positive experiences from members who use the steam bath regularly

Legal and Insurance Considerations

  • Check local regulations regarding commercial steam bath operations
  • Update your gym's insurance policy to cover the new facility
  • Implement proper waivers and signage to manage liability

Wrapping Up

Adding a commercial steam bath to your gym can significantly enhance your offering and member satisfaction. By carefully considering factors such as choosing the right steam generator (whether it's a Harvia HGX90 or a Steamtec Tolo-150), designing an appropriate space, implementing safety measures, and managing operational aspects, you can create a valuable and attractive feature for your gym.

Remember that the success of your steam bath will depend not just on the quality of equipment like Harvia and Steamtec generators, but also on proper maintenance, member education, and integration into your overall gym experience. With thoughtful planning and execution, a commercial steam bath can become a cornerstone of your gym's wellness offerings, setting you apart in a competitive market and providing lasting value to your members.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Steam Sauna Baths: A Comprehensive Guide

 A steam sauna, sometimes called a steam bath, is a type of sauna that uses steam to create heat and humidity. Unlike traditional saunas that use dry heat, steam saunas feature wet heat that allows you to breathe in moist air and enjoy the many benefits it provides.

Steam saunas provide a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience that can benefit both your mind and body. The moist heat opens your pores, allowing toxins to be released through sweating. The humid environment also improves breathing and relieves congestion. Many people find their muscles releasing tension during a steam sauna session.

Below is a comprehensive guide to steam sauna baths covering their benefits, how they work, tips for use, safety precautions, and more.

Benefits of Steam Sauna Baths

There are many excellent benefits to using a steam sauna on a regular basis:

1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

The high heat and humidity of a steam sauna cause an increase in heart rate similar to light exercise. This provides cardio benefits and improves circulation. Sweating also helps flush toxins and cholesterol from the cardiovascular system.

2. Relieves Stress and Promotes Relaxation

The moist heat of a steam sauna is deeply calming and relaxing. The environment helps lower cortisol and relieve tension from the muscles. This reduces anxiety and leads to an overall sense of wellbeing.

3. Detoxification

Sweating profusely in a steam sauna helps rid the body of toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities. Sweat carries these toxins through the pores and out of the body. This natural detoxification leaves you feeling cleansed.

4. Alleviates Pain

The heat and humidity help alleviate pain from sore muscles, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. The environment loosens stiff joints and relaxes tense muscles. Endorphins released act as natural painkillers as well.

5. Improves Skin Health

The warm steam helps open pores on the skin and flush out impurities like dirt, pollutants, and bacteria. This deep cleanse leaves skin glowing. Increased circulation also improves skin tone and complexion over time.

6. Boosts Immune System

The combination of heat, moisture, and flushing of toxins gives the immune system a boost. Regular use of a steam room can help you stay healthy by strengthening immunity against viruses and infections.

7. Eases Respiratory Conditions

Inhaling warm, moist air helps open airways and break up mucus. This provides relief for those suffering from colds, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. The steam aids breathing and reduces inflammation.

8. Promotes Sleep

The relaxation induced by a steam sauna session leads to better sleep at night. Using a steam room in the evening helps lower stress hormones and prepare both the mind and body for restful sleep. This improves quality of sleep.

9. Improves Vitality

Regular use of a steam room can increase vitality and energy levels. The combination of reducing tension, flushing toxins, improving circulation, and strengthening immunity leaves you feeling rejuvenated. The relaxation also contributes to increased motivation and productivity.

How Steam Saunas Work

Steam saunas use a steam generator to heat water and produce hot, moist steam that fills the sauna room. The heat and high humidity create the signature wet heat environment.

The generator boils water, producing steam that travels through pipes into the sauna. Rocks may be placed over the steam outlets to help distribute the steam evenly around the room.

The steam raises the room’s temperature while the moisture content in the air approaches 100%. This creates a humid, tropical environment unlike the dry heat of traditional saunas.

Temperatures typically range from 110-120°F, though some steam rooms may reach up to 140°F. The lower temperature makes it more tolerable to stay in the steam room longer versus a 180°F+ dry sauna.

Controls allow users to adjust the temperature and steam output to their comfort level. Sessions generally last 10-20 minutes. The room should be well-ventilated to allow fresh air in and let moisture escape to prevent an overly humid environment.

Tips for Using a Steam Sauna

Here are some tips to get the most out of your steam sauna experience:

  • Hydrate well before and after - Drink plenty of water before and after your session to prevent dehydration from sweating. Electrolytes can help replenish what’s lost through sweat.
  • Limit sessions to 10-20 minutes - Start with 10 minutes if new to steam bathing and work your way up to 20 minutes max as your body acclimates. This prevents overheating.
  • Sit on a towel - Sitting directly on the wooden benches can become uncomfortable due to moisture. A towel also absorbs sweat.
  • Shower first - Take a warm shower to open pores and rinse off dirt, oils, and skin products that could clog pores.
  • Relax and breathe deeply - Focus on your breath, close your eyes, and let your mind and muscles relax during the session. Deep breathing maximizes circulation benefits.
  • Cool down gradually - When finished, resist the urge to jump into a cold shower or pool which can shock the system. Cool down gradually.
  • Replenish electrolytes - Drink coconut water, sports drinks, or broth to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.
  • Moisturize after - After cooling down, apply moisturizer all over your body to counteract the drying effects of the steam.

Safety Precautions

While generally safe for most people, there are some precautions to keep in mind when using a steam room:

  • Avoid use if pregnant, elderly, or have heart disease, diabetes, high/low blood pressure, or other medical conditions without doctor approval.
  • Do not use a steam room if consuming alcohol or medications that cause drowsiness or alter heart rate.
  • Stay well hydrated and avoid overheating by limiting sessions to 10-20 minutes.
  • Allow your body to gradually cool down afterwards to prevent dizziness.
  • Be careful of wet, slippery floors when entering and exiting the steam room.
  • Avoid steam rooms if you have multiple chemical sensitivities or asthma triggered by heat, humidity or fragrances.

Using common sense and carefully listening to your body will allow you to enjoy steam bathing safely. Discontinue use if you experience any pain, dizziness, or discomfort.

Home Steam Rooms

While public spas offer steam rooms, many people prefer the privacy, convenience and comfort of having one at home. Home steam rooms provide daily access to all the therapeutic benefits.

Stand-alone steam units are available that convert an existing shower into a steam room. More luxurious custom-built steam rooms can be added to your bathroom during renovation and finished to match the decor.

Steam room generators should provide a minimum of 60 minutes of steam for proper moisture content. Seating, shelving, waterproof lighting, and a glass door are also typical features for comfort and safety.

Proper ventilation is critical to allow steam to escape and bring in fresh air. Any leaks or insulation issues should also be addressed during installation to contain steam. With good ventilation and insulation, a home steam room is safe for daily use by all household members.

Cost of Steam Sauna Baths

There are several options when it comes to acquiring a steam room:

Public steam rooms - Gyms, health clubs and spas offer steam rooms on a membership or pay-per-use basis. This allows access for a low cost without installation.

Portable home units - Affordable portable steam units start around $300-500 to convert your existing shower into a steam room.

Custom built-in home steam rooms - Professionally custom built and installed steam rooms for your bathroom cost $3,000 to $10,000 depending on materials and size.

DIY steam room kits - DIY kits to convert your shower cost $1,000 to $3,000. Though professional installation is recommended, they can be installed solo for significant savings.

While more of an investment, a home steam room adds value and luxury to your home for years of use and health benefits for you and your family.

Steam Sauna vs Infrared Sauna

Steam saunas and infrared saunas both offer therapeutic benefits, but they provide very different experiences:


  • Uses moist heat from warm steam
  • Typical temperatures around 110-120°F
  • High humidity levels around 100%
  • Provides a tropical, jungle-like environment
  • Helps open pores and remove toxins through sweating
  • Improves breathing and congestion


  • Uses dry heat from infrared lamps
  • Typical temperatures around 120-140°F
  • Low humidity around 10-50%
  • Provides a dry, desert-like environment
  • Penetrates skin to provide direct heat therapy
  • Helps relieve muscle and joint pain

Both types promote detoxification through sweating. The primary difference is that steam saunas feature warm, moist heat while infrared saunas use dry, penetrating infrared heat. Deciding which experience you prefer comes down to personal needs and comfort.


A steam sauna offers an incredibly relaxing and detoxifying experience with many health benefits. The combination of moderate heat and humidity provides moist, cleansing heat that promotes sweating while opening airways for easy breathing.

Used on a regular basis, steam saunas can boost cardiovascular health, relieve pain, reduce stress, improve skin conditions, support the immune system, and increase overall wellbeing.

Following proper safety precautions and usage tips allows you to enjoy all the benefits safely. With stand-alone units or custom installed rooms, having a steam sauna in your home provides daily access to improve your mind and body.

A steam room installation requires proper ventilation, insulation, and a powerful steam generator. Custom built or DIY sauna steam room kits convert showers into relaxing hot moist heat sanctuaries benefiting both mind and body. Sauna steam room installation costs vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should you use a steam sauna?

Use a steam sauna as often as daily if you enjoy it and don't experience any adverse effects. 3-4 times per week is therapeutic for most people. Always start slowly and increase frequency gradually.

Is it safe to use a steam room every day?

Using a steam room daily is safe for most people if you follow proper precautions. Be sure to limit sessions to 10-20 minutes, stay hydrated, cool down gradually, and listen to your body. Check with your doctor first if you have medical conditions.

What happens if you stay too long in a steam room?

Staying too long in a steam room can lead to overheating, dehydration, dizziness, and nausea. Limit time to 10-20 minutes, and immediately exit if you feel faint or ill.

Can you lose weight from a steam room?

While you may lose water weight from sweating, a steam room alone will not burn enough calories to directly cause weight loss. However, as part of a healthy lifestyle, using a steam room can help boost metabolism and aid weight loss efforts.

Is it OK to steam every day?

Yes, it is generally safe and beneficial to use a steam room every day, provided you take proper precautions by hydrating well, limiting time to 10-20 minutes, cooling down gradually, and listening to your body. Moderation is key.

Is 20 minutes too long in a steam room?

20 minutes is the maximum recommended time in a steam room. Any longer risks overheating and dehydration. Start with 10-15 minutes if new to steam bathing and only work up to 20 minutes as your body acclimates. Be sure to drink electrolytes and cool down slowly afterwards.

Can steam rooms help you lose belly fat?

On their own, steam rooms do not specifically target belly fat. However, they can aid weight loss efforts as part of a healthy lifestyle. Sweating releases toxins and improves circulation while relaxing stress hormones that contribute to belly fat. But diet and exercise remain most critical for fat loss.

What should you not do after a steam room?

Avoid cold showers, pools or plunges after using a steam room. This can shock the circulatory system. Cool down gradually instead. Also avoid alcoholic beverages which can have greater impact after overheating and dehydration. Replenish fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating.

Can you tan in a steam room?

No, you cannot get a tan from a steam room. Steam rooms do not contain UV rays like the sun, so they cannot cause tanning or burning. The moist heat may give skin a temporary flushed appearance but will not provide color change.

Commercial Steam Baths: Considerations for Gym Owners

In the competitive world of fitness and wellness, offering a steam bath can set your gym apart and provide significant value to your members...